Cancer is one of the most rapidly increasing diseases in our society. Some statistics say 1 out of every 4 people will get cancer in their lifetime. The good news is cancer is largely preventable. By reducing or eliminating your exposure to cancer causing agents, you can greatly reduce your risk of developing cancer.
When we think of preventing cancer, we usually think of the common suggestions: quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, exercise, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, limit consumption of sugar. These are all important. But there are other, lesser known actions we can take to prevent cancer and other diseases. Here are just a few:
7 Tips to Prevent Cancer
1. Drink plenty of water. Generally speaking, the more hydrated you are, the healthier you’ll be. But municipal tap water has numerous potentially cancer causing chemicals in it. To avoid increasing your toxic load, drink only filtered water or bottled water. Make sure the filter is a better quality filter that filters out most of the toxic chemicals. Installing a shower filter is also a good idea, so you don't absorb toxins in the water through your skin. If drinking bottled water, it is best to drink brands that come in glass bottles. Plastic bottles leach toxic chemicals into the water, and you will then be drinking water that may be no better then your tap water. Mineral water in glass bottles is best. That way, you’re getting water that is more pure and also gives your body the minerals it needs to be healthy.
2. Eat fresh foods that have not been grown with pesticides/herbicides. These are disease causing chemicals that increase your toxic load. Whenever possible buy produce from local farmers who do not use pesticides. Certified organic in stores is also another good option. By eating foods that have not been sprayed with toxic chemicals, you will be reducing your exposure to potentially cancer causing agents.
3. Eat meats that have been raised on smaller farms, preferably local farms. Factory farmed animals are fed a diet that is high in toxins, many of which are suspected of increasing your risk of cancer. Buying from small, local farms is a much healthier choice.
4. Eat and drink only organic dairy products. These come for animals that have not been fed Growth Hormones. Scientists believe growth hormones can lead to breast and other forms of cancer.
5. Do not use air fresheners or burn scented candles in your home. Studies are finding these to contain chemicals that may lead to cancer, upper respiratory diseases, birth defects and more.
6. “Don’t worry. Be happy!” Bob Marley had it right. Worry, fear and stress can trigger the brain to produce toxic chemicals that can actually increase your risk of disease. Don’t fear getting cancer. Instead, “know” that you are healthy. What we think, we create. So think healthy and happy thoughts and you are likely to create health and happiness. It really does work!
7. Toxic overload can cause cancer. Its important to reduce your toxic exposure, and its also important to eliminate the toxins that are already in your body. We all have them. Finding a detox program that works for you is important to reduce your toxic load and reduce your risk of disease. A detox diet, such as the one highlighted in Kathy Oddenino’s book, “Joy of Health” can work wonders. NDP™ nervous system therapy
is also a great way to open up the cells and release the toxic chemicals that have become embedded there.
By following these simple guidelines, you are doing so much to help yourself live a healthy, cancer free life. Isn’t it nice to know that your health is in your own hands?
What other ideas do you have to help reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases?
Thank you for the tips Carole. This is very important information that is valuable! Good stuff!!
Thanks Mike. I hope this was helpful,
Very helpful indeed! Too bad the doctors out there don't promote this kind of information to their patients. They normally just advise what to do "after" something happens vs. preventive. Thank you for keeping us informed!
Disease keeps the health care industry in business. They have no incentive to prevent it.
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